My Approach
I was challenged by Terra to create a modern logo and brand identity that integrated gold and spray tan rays, or sun rays. She wanted a hint of “eclectic” in her brand visuals, as her studio space was going to host funky neon lights, leafy emerald plants and eclectic boho decor.
The visuals convey professionalism through the use of deep emerald tones and golden, modern lettering. The neon imagery adds an eclectic, fun vibe to the brand. The tropical leaves give a summer vibe to add to the tanning aesthetic.
Take a look at the Golden Girl logo below. The type is a modern, bold script, that stands out among the many beauty logos that tend to have delicate, feminine script fonts. The sizing and shaping of the letters are altered slightly to give variance to the two G’s. The sun “rays” around the O give the appearance of rays from the sun or a spray tan gun.
Additionally, the focus is very much on the “Golden Girl” type because this is the catchy, memorable part of the business name. This makes it easy for potential clients to remember the name and easily look it up on social media. The logo should almost always be presented in the gold foil to keep the brand image consistent.

Next are some custom-designed marketing collateral. I really wanted to showcase the logo on the back of the business card, with gold foil contrasted on emerald green.

Along with business cards, there is marketing collateral such as a product box and a flyer. The box is for tanning products that clients purchase. The fun design allows the client to re-use the box.

Additionally, I have included some social media designs. These mediums create brand recognition for Golden Girl followers and give an inside look at the studio. The shopping bag is for holding tanning products that customers buy. The gold foil and beautiful design catches attention and makes this bag reusable.

This tri-fold brochure works as supportive material to hand out at events or tradeshows. Working with a little more space than a business card, it gives an overview of Terra’s services and prices. It allows the recipient to easily contact her or go on the website for more information.

I’m really loving the emerald green, gold, and fuchsia aesthetic. I’m happy with how this project came together! What do you think? I’m excited to see this new business open soon!